Wednesday, February 23, 2011

New Year and New changes

Today I decided that I really need to start making some changes in my life. First of all I just want you all to know that I HATE New Years resolutions. I think its just a cheap way to say you plan on doing something then letting yourself down in a few weeks time. I like to make daily affirmations to keep myself on track! Anyways, The first thing that I want to change is my exercise! I plan on doing Your Shape Fitness at least two times a week. I know I should do it more than that but I have to set my limits low to start. If I say three or four times a week, then I'll fail one week and just give up!! The next thing I am planning on changing is my blog. I haven't really been keeping up with it and now that I have my own laptop and more time, I really plan on getting back into the swing of things.

I'd really love it if you guys would give me some topics that you'd like to hear about and of course I will probably have a lot of boring rambling sessions! I apologize in advance for those random blogs lol. I am also asking for you to put the word out there that this is up and running again and hopefully I can get some actual followers on this thing!! <3 you all XOXO


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